IB Revija
IB Revija
IB revija 1/2019
Contents of issue No. 1 Vol. LIII, 2019:
Tanja Čelebič, Matevž Hribernik
JEL: I210, I250, I260
Enrolment in formal education, public expenditure on education and their efficiency in Slovenia
Tine Stanovnik, Nataša Kump
JEL: H240
Income inequality and tax progressivity in Slovenia: some recent results
Valerija Korošec
JEL: F630
Slovenia in the EU and worldwide: beyond GDP positioning in 2018
Katja Lautar, Nataša Vrh, Franci Klužer
JEL: O230, H680, H300
Dilemmas over fiscal rules with an analysis of fiscal projections
Klemen Širok, Suzana Laporšek
JEL: J810, K310, M540
Homeworking in Slovenia: serving the intended purpose?