IB Revija
IB Revija
IB revija 3-4/2013
Contents of issue No. 3-4 Vol. XLVII, 2013
Viljem Spruk
JEL: J110, J490
Youth in the Labour Market during the Economic Crisis
Milena Bevc, Marko Ogorevc
JEL: F220, I230
Evaluation of the consequences for research organisations of the temporary and permanent leaving of researchers and a broader evaluation of the consequences of the emigration for Slovene researchers – evaluation by general managers and deans
Milena Bevc, Sonja Uršič
JEL: F220
The influence of migration on the demographic picture of Slovene statistical regions
Gonzalo C. Caprirolo
JEL: H100, H600, E620, F410
Suggestions for implementing the law of the amendment to article 148 of the constitution introducing a balanced budget provision